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How to avoid damage when using the glass panel washer?

Time:2022-12-31 00:17:32      Click:103

Ultrasonic cleaning machine equipment has become a highly recognized cleaning equipment in the market at present. According to different industries and different workpieces, there are also special ultrasonic cleaning equipment. For example, with the increasing demand of the market, the ultrasonic glass panel cleaning machine is specially manufactured for cleaning glass. So after we choose the equipment, how to avoid the damage caused by use? Let me explain the following aspects that need attention.

1. We should place the ultrasonic cleaning equipment in a place that is not wet, so that the surface of the machine and equipment is not easy to cause wet and failure.

2. Dust can be seen everywhere in our life. Clean the dust on the surface of ultrasonic cleaning equipment at any time to avoid a large amount of dust accumulation resulting in static electricity.

3. Place the equipment in a flat and stable position to avoid damage to the internal parts of the equipment when the equipment is shaken and unstable for a long time.

4. The bottom of the equipment shall be free of water accumulation. When draining or changing water, the access of the waterways must be designed to avoid corrosion of the shell of the ultrasonic equipment.

5. It is forbidden to use alcohol, gasoline or other highly corrosive and flammable liquids as cleaning agents to add to the cleaner, which is not only bad for the equipment, but also may cause fire.

6. Regularly clean and check the equipment. If any small problem is found, such as the transducer, regularly check or replace it, it will not affect the cleaning effect.

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